On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Jessica Heywood <jessica.heywood@myldsmail.net> wrote:
OH! and pppppp.sssssss. The MTC Choir does get to sing.... in the Priesthood session.... So..... Just the Elders! Lame huh? Oh well! That's still so cool!! So tell Hayden and dad that they can see the elders from my district! :) haha!Hey there min vakker familie! :)It was so great to hear from you all. I loved seeing the pictures of the kids in the cultural event!! I bet that was so fun to watch. Here at the MTC we got so see the first session of the dedication and it was SO great! I actually saw President Skinner sitting in the Celestial room right with the prophet! So you can tell him I saw him there! :)I am SOOOO happy to hear about Kasey and her decision to be baptized!!!! I am so proud of her!That's a bummer about Grakum going to the hospital too! I'm glad she only had to spend one night there, and tell her not to worry, we don't get coke here at the MTC either ;) haha!Yesterday was MTC HUMP DAY!!!!!!! So great! Three weeks down, and three to go until I can hop on the plane to NORGE!!!! I'm so excited!!! Sister Petersen got a package with some Martinellis from her mom so we could all celebrate properly :) We decided that our goal as a district once we get over there is to work hard enough to get a third stake in Norway. (That way, they can be considered for a temple) Can you just imagine how cool it would be to get to have a temple there?? or even have one announced by the time I leave?Classes are going great here. To answer your question mom, gospel and language class is the same thing. The gospel class is taught in Norsk. We have two new investigators that we have been teaching: Pralad, and Linn. Pralad is a refugee from Napal, and his family and he are Hindu. So he's a fun one to teach! :) Linn is really interested in the sciences and is studying health at a university in Oslo, so I got to relate to her in that way! She is so great. She wants to learn more about Joseph Smith and our church and she really likes reading from Mormons Bok. The only thing is, she has no desire to believe in a God.... which is kinda important in this gospel... but she is a great learner and very open, so we shall see :)OOH!! Cool thing!! Yesterday at Tuesday Devotional, we got to hear from M. Russell Ballard! He is so awesome!! He talked a lot about how to be the most effective missionary we can possibly be! It was so great! The choir sang Joseph Smiths first prayer, and as we sang it the spirit was so thick in the air, I'm pretty sure you could touch it! haha!!Last Wednesday after we emailed, we went to the temple. Sister Williams and I did a session and afterwards we were sitting in the Celestial room. I had had a really specific thing on my mind, and was praying for an answer to my question. As a looked up after my prayer, I made eye contact with a lady from across the room who was just smiling at me... I just thought, "hmm... tat's weird," and didn't worry about it. Later, in the changing rooms, she came up to ma and said, "You probably think I'm crazy, but I kept getting the feeling that I needed to tell you something." Then she told me the exact answer to the question I had asked Heavenly Father. And you know me family.... I started bawling. I know that God really does answer prayers, and sometimes, He uses other people to do it. I never EVER want to forget that experience, it was just so great!!Brother Williams told me that Brede had messaged him on Facebook. That is SO cool!!! All of our teachers here are SO amazing!! I love them all so much! There's Brother Smith, who is just so inspired to teach us exactly what we need to hear for the day. He tells us mission stories and gets us excited to go experience those things for ourselves. Sister Landry is so understanding and great with making sure that we understand her before we move on. She is so funny and didn't get off her mission too long ago. There's Brother Bartholomew, who we like to call the battery. He is SO full of energy and a class is never complete without him jumping around the room in excitement. He's one of those people who makes you want to take a nap after talking to them :) haha! Then of course Brother Williams who just brings a spirit into the classroom like none other! Man! I just love them all!!I love Sister Williams! She is such a great teacher and SO in tune with the spirit! I learn so much from her everyday. It's not to hard having a companion all the time, except for when I'm grumpy because I usually like to be alone for that, and I can't :) haha!! but luckily, I'm not really ever grumpy! Being a missionary just has its perks like that I guess ;)Well family, my time is almost up, I love you all SOOOOO much! Jeg vet at Jesu Kristi Kirke av Siste Dagers Hellige er sann. Jeg vet at Jesus Kristus og himmelske Fader elsker oss. Vi er hans barn. Jeg vet dette!Ha det bra!!Soster Heywood!