Kjære Fam,
This week has felt SUPER LONG. I mean, it was really good, but just felt way long. Let's see... On Tuesday the Sister Training Leaders came and this time it was Søster Carpenter (The only other sister who has greenied in Ålesund) and Søster Williams (My companion from the MTC). I spent the whole day with Sister Williams! Oh! And it was Norwegian only week so there was no speaking English allowed! Wow. That was a super experience. It was fun to see how much we've both grown since the MTC. The day was so crazy! We visited a less active, taught the shortest lesson I've ever taught on my mission, banked on some doors, etc etc etc. It was a blast!
So a few weeks ago, Søster Peterson and I were weekly planning and we decided to call the volunteer center in Sandvika to see if we could get a service project going. cuz we miss doing service of course. They gave us a job of visiting an old folks home and just talking to the residents there since the CNAs don't have time to sit and listen. Oh man, that was the DREAM!! I mean, of course there was a ridiculous amount of dejavu from the Family Tree, except this time, everyone was speaking Norwegian. I repeat, THE DREAM! haha! We went into their little cafeteria where they can all eat for free and everyone else can buy something to eat. This old lady walked up behind us and said, "I'm paying for these two beautiful girls!" I mean, we had already eaten lunch and weren't even planning on eating anything, but when we protested, she said, "I insist. You girls are taking time to come chat with us, the least I can do is make sure you're not hungry". And if there's one thing I've learned on my mission it's that when a Norwegian lady says "I insist", you best not say no. haha! So we had a koselig lunch with a table of the funniest cutest old ladies ever. It meant so much to them that we were there. (Especially when they heard that we had come "all the way from America").
On Friday we were getting ready to leave the house when we got a call from one of our investigators, Bjørn Ivar, saying, "Sisters! I want you to come teach me about your church in an hour!" We already had an appointment set up with him for nest week, so it was really weird to get this call from him. So we called one of our member missionaries (An 80 year old woman mind you), and she was happy to come and help us teach him. We taught him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it was really cool to see how he recognized the truth of what we were saying. Also, he thought that Jesus Christ was baptized as a baby. So uh... It made a lot more sense to him that Jesus Christ actually chose to be baptized.
Mom, I loved hearing about Grandpa finding his journal from the 70s! I would love to help with that project! Man! sometimes I wish I had more time out here to do family history. Hopefully all the grandparents are up for an interview when I get home :) We went to a member's house this week to help her and her husband scan in pictures to familysearch. It was so fun! We found a new challenge on the website that I'm excited to figure out more when I get home, but it all worked out in the end :)
Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting and as I'm sitting there I start thinking, "huh. Søster Johannessen went home on Friday. That's kinda nice that she gets to have a testimony meeting as her first Sunday home. Wait, that's how it will be for me too.... wait.... THAT'S NEXT MONTH! wait.... this is my last testimony meeting in Norway. GAH!!" Yup! That's kinda what went on in my head for the first few minutes of the meeting. Uff da. But at the same time, I didn't really feel like I needed to get up and bear my testimony, since I already spoke in church like 2 weeks ago. So I just listened. Until Borghild, my favorite 91 year old member EVER stood up and with great difficulty got herself up to the stand (There's no deacons with a microphone here). That's when the Spirit said to me, "Look how much effort she just went through so that people could hear her testimony. You need to put in a little effort so that these members know that you have a testimony. This is your last chance to tell them." So before I knew it, I was up on the stand. Teared up, but didn't cry *insert fist pump*.
Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting and as I'm sitting there I start thinking, "huh. Søster Johannessen went home on Friday. That's kinda nice that she gets to have a testimony meeting as her first Sunday home. Wait, that's how it will be for me too.... wait.... THAT'S NEXT MONTH! wait.... this is my last testimony meeting in Norway. GAH!!" Yup! That's kinda what went on in my head for the first few minutes of the meeting. Uff da. But at the same time, I didn't really feel like I needed to get up and bear my testimony, since I already spoke in church like 2 weeks ago. So I just listened. Until Borghild, my favorite 91 year old member EVER stood up and with great difficulty got herself up to the stand (There's no deacons with a microphone here). That's when the Spirit said to me, "Look how much effort she just went through so that people could hear her testimony. You need to put in a little effort so that these members know that you have a testimony. This is your last chance to tell them." So before I knew it, I was up on the stand. Teared up, but didn't cry *insert fist pump*.
I've been reading in Alma lately and I just read Alma 26. I think this has been my favorite chapter for a long time, but something different hits me every time! It's the story of the sons of Mosiah coming back from their "missions". And Ammon just can't hold it in. The joy of the work they have accomplished is to big for him to keep inside and Alma 26 is the result. I especially noticed v. 16 this time:
16 Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy,and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel.
16 Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy,and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel.
Who can glory too much in the Lord? Don't give in to Satan's lie that some people are "too churchy" or "a little too Mormon". I hope for the rest of my life people can know me as the "way Mormon" girl. the Book of Mormon has changed my life. Because of it, I know that Jesus Christ lives and that He will live again. Because of it, I know that I know that everyone on this earth is a child of God (myself included) and as such every person on this earth has a divine purpose and an indescribable worth. Because of the Book of Mormon, I know that my Heavenly Father is aware of me. God is not an abstract power that people have created to give them comfort. He is real. He is there. But we have to turn to Him first. We find Him as we take that step of hope into the dark. He will always be there. That's not just a nice idea, that is truth. I won't go on forever because like Alma, "I cannot say the smallest part of what I feel" :)
Quote of the week: "A person with an experience is NEVER at the mercy of a person with an opinion!" -Hank Smith. There are a lot of people in this world with opinions about what I believe, but there is not a single person in this world who can convince me that I have not experienced God's love.
Love you all!!! Have a great week!!!!
-Søster Heywood
p.s. watch this movie! Short, but AWESOME!
a real great design